Sueños de libertad
The series Sueños de Libertad talks about Monterrey’s situation in 2009 just after the artist returned from living abroad. Stories of violence and crime together with social and political instability from the city and the country in general. The work is a pictorial yearning that grew from the necessity of showing images of peace against the violence that occurs throughout the city. It was so hard to comprehend for the artist not being to go out freely to streets, play at a park, go out late, so all this mixed feelings are shown in these series.
Dead flowers as symbols of decadent nature, life without hope, nonexistent green areas and parks where nobody plays anymore. The emptiness that is now present in many of our public spaces, wishing we could
regain these areas that now seem, as they were unreal and nonexistent to the people that live in Monterrey.
Daily work symbolizes reconstruction. The flower themes represent fertility, life, death, and the city’s and society’s decadence. The renovation desire not always achieved and sometimes failed. The surreal parks and green areas are a reference to the absence of safe places, metaphor of the nonexistent nowadays.